[GCC-XML]converting gccxml output into internal database for better access

Valery Sigalov valery.sigalov at audiocodes.com
Mon May 6 08:42:08 EDT 2002

Thank you for reply.
I think, I did not explain myself clearly. Actually, I am looking for library with effective parsing algoritm.
For example, I reached the xml representation of the function and I need to take all the information
about it's parameters, but the parameter's types are id links. So, I need to reparse the file to have the 
information stored after these links, and, if these pararameters are also complex types, I will need to
reparse the file many times to have entire data structure.
SQL is fine, but I want to work with my data structure, as with xml file, using the same parsing API,
but, I think, inside has to be something like in-between hashtable representation of this file for quick
search by index. I can implement all this myself, but I am sure, somebody already did it, and that is
I am looking for.
                                                                        Regards, Valery.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dupont, Michael [mailto:michael.dupont at mciworldcom.de]
Sent: 06 May 2002 11:27
To: Valery Sigalov; gccxml at www.gccxml.org
Subject: RE: [GCC-XML]converting gccxml output into internal database for better access

Why do you need to reparse the data every time?
If you produce and XML file using gccxml,
 you can parse that, and the keep all the data in memory as needed.
A SQL database is possible, but you really need to think about your processing steps.

-----Original Mess[Dupont, Michael]  age-----
From: Valery Sigalov [mailto:valery.sigalov at audiocodes.com]
Sent: Montag, 6. Mai 2002 12:28
To: gccxml at www.gccxml.org
Subject: [GCC-XML]converting gccxml output into internal database for better access

I need to parse the gccxml output file many times to receive the data. It seems 
very ineffective to parse the file every time from the beginning, to find the next 
id link, so I am looking for library for converting the gccxml output into internal 
I am very hope, somebody knows about the library of this kind. 
                                Regards, Valery. 

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