[GCC-XML]gcc 3.1.1

Neil Killeen Neil.Killeen at atnf.csiro.au
Mon Nov 25 01:14:06 EST 2002


i wish to build gcc-xml to use it with my itk installation.

the gcc compiler i have available is 3.1.1 (we have now
moved away from gcc 2.95.3 at my lab)

if i understand the gcc-xml documentation pages properly,
i have no choice but to build the gcc 3.0.4 compiler  with
the pre-supplied patch, in order to produce the
gccxml_cc1plus executable.  this is because there is no patch
for 3.1.1 and it is not encouraged to try to patch it
by hand.   this executable can be consistently used on the C++ code that
will actually be compiled with gcc 3.1.1

is this correct (before I roll up my sleeves and do battle with
a gcc installation) ?

Neil Killeen

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