
Bertram G. Herzog bertram at bwh.harvard.edu
Mon Jan 27 22:36:28 EST 2003

Hello together,
Dear Mr. King

since quite a time I  now try to install the latest version of gccxml
(0.4.0) on Sun Solaris 8 with gcc (--version 3.0.3). I used the . It
runs super-smooth on my colleagues Windows-Machines, but I don't get it
to run on the Sun. Today I tried it with the new CMake 1.6, and the
provided files for gccxml (prepatched solaris code for
gccxml-0.4.0-cc1plus-304 and gccxml-0.4.0) - and got a clean install
with no problems in the whole make-process.

However, if I want to run the example-line given in the
"Running"-section of your web-page or any other command, I always (as
with all my other previous installations) get the message that  in
gccxml_find_flags the "!" is unexpected and breaks the program.
Substituting "!" by "NOT" does not help anything, but I don't see a
reason, why this line should crash the script.

Help would be thankfully and greatly appreciated, since I can't get the
Cable-Wrapping to go otherwise.

Thank you very much in advance,
   Bertram Herzog.

I'll attach a typical error in a response to "gccxml --print"

/tmp/bertram/cmake1.6/share/gccxml-0.4.0/gccxml_find_flags: syntax error
at line 56: `!' unexpected

Error executing
"/tmp/bertram/cmake1.6/share/gccxml-0.4.0/gccxml_find_flags c++ "
Could not determine GCCXML_FLAGS setting.
GCC-XML version 0.4.0
Configuration settings:
gccxml is installed in /tmp/bertram/cmake1.6/bin

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