[GCC-XML]infinite loop?

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Oct 14 13:06:55 EDT 2003

On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Victor A. Wagner, Jr. wrote:

> then it just "goes away" forever, near as I can tell.  We let it run for
> 29+ hours over the weekend and it produced NO output.  it reads about
> 300K bytes then goes compute bound.

It should have taken only a few seconds.  You should make sure no other
programs are open that are looking at one of the QT headers or especially
testing.xml.  Windows may be blocking the GCC-XML process waiting for one
of the other processes to finish.  Run it again and check the CPU usage of
the process.  If it is very low, then my hypothesis is correct and you
should restart windows to be sure nothing else may be blocking.
Otherwise, there is another problem.


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