[GCC-XML] [Announce] pygccxml 0.6.7

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 04:32:49 EDT 2005

Hi. I would like announce of new version of pygccxml (0.6.7).

What is this?

The purpose of pygccxml is to read file generated by GCC-XML and provide simple
framework to navigate C++ declarations using python classes. pygccxml
is open source library written in python. It uses boost software license
( http://boost.org/more/license_info.html )

What is development status?

Well I think it could be used in production. It has stable api, more
then 80 tests, good documentation and some performance tests.

What it does, except parsing xml?

First of all parsing xml done using SAX api, hence parsing is pretty quick.

Do you aware of boost::type_traits (
http://boost.org/libs/type_traits/index.html )
library ? If yes pygccxml has similar functionality.

Also, it implements a few algorithm that allows you to work with a few files
at once, without creating header file, that include all files you need.


* bug fixes
* new functionality in type_traits ( is_convertible, is_array )
* few convinince functions has been added

If you like or want to try\use can download it from

pygccxml home page is http://pygccxml.sourceforge.net/.

Hope, it will be useful for you as for me. Any comments, suggestions
are welcome.

Roman Yakovenko.

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