[GCC-XML] GCCXML 0.9.0 with MSVC8 question

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue May 27 16:55:06 EDT 2008

Julian Bunn wrote:
> Whoops!
> I followed the instructions at:
> http://www.gccxml.org/HTML/Download.html
> using cygwin to do the following:
> cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at www.gccxml.org:/cvsroot/GCC_XML login
> (just press enter when prompted for a password)
> Follow this command by checking out the source code:
> cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at www.gccxml.org:/cvsroot/GCC_XML co gccxml

That's correct.  You must have pointed cmake at the gccxml/GCC_XML
directory instead of just the top gccxml directory.


> Brad King wrote:
>> Julian Bunn wrote:
>>> Yes, I built ALL_BUILD ...
>> [snip]
>>>>> There does not appear to be a gccxml_cc1plus.exe anywhere in my gccxml
>>>>> tree ?!
>> This means you checked out the wrong source tree.  What was your
>> checkout command and where did you get it?
>> -Brad

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