[GCC-XML] Can't seem to get --gccxml-gcc-options to work

Tim Cassidy timothy_cassidy at yahoo.ca
Mon Apr 20 14:40:39 EDT 2009

Hi all - I can't seem to get gccxml to process the --gccxml-gcc-options flag.
The reason we're trying to get it working is because I believe we've reached a character limit on the parameters we're currently passing into gccxml.  Does anyone know what the character limit is when passing parameters into gccxml?  Is this a windows limitation?
Here is the contents of the options file:
-I "C:\Program Files\Faked Path\With\include"
-I "C:\Foo\Bar\Foo\Bar\Foo\Bar\Foo\Bar\2.0.7\include\Common"
-I "C:\Bar\Foo\Bar\Foo\Bar\Foo\dev\include"
-I "c:\Bar\Bar\Foo\Foo\Bar\Bar\Foo\Foo\runtimetest"
-I "c:\Foo\Foo\Bar\Bar\Foo\Foo\dev"

Here are the command line arguments being used:
gccxml.exe --gccxml-gcc-options "C:\Foo\Bar\Bar\Foo\dev\source\tool\cpp-parser\bin\Debug\gcc_xml_input.txt" --gccxml-config "C:\Bar\Bar\Foo\Bar\Bar\Foo\Foo\dev\bin\gccxml\gccxml_config" -D "__EA_GCCXML" -D "EA_MATH_NO_INLINES" -D USER_ATTRIB_INCLUDE=1 -fxml="C:\Foo\Bar\Foo\Bar\Bar\Foo\Foo\bin\Debug\gccxml_othertest.xml" "C:\Bar\Foo\Bar\Foo\Foo\Bar\Bar\Debug\gccxml_othertest.h"
Any suggestions?  I've tried a few different things:
1. I've tried putting the defines (-D <preprocessor definition>) into the options file
2. I've tried switching around the ordering of parameters - like making the "-fxml=" come as the last parameter, etc

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