[GCC-XML] ICE from current GCC-XML

Patrick Hartling patrick.hartling at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 14:45:53 EDT 2009

I am trying to get GCC-XML to be able to process a large C++ code base on
Windows. Things work very well on Linux and Mac OS X, but on Windows, I get
an internal compiler error. I have built GCC-XML from the CVS HEAD sources
as of yesterday, and I am using it to emulate Visual C++ 9.0 SP1. The error
output is attached, and the preprocessed source can be found here:


Are there any tips for debugging something like this?

In addition to the ICE, I am getting some unexpected errors about there not
being an overload of operator<< for the std::setbase() case. I do not know
if that is strictly a problem, but if there is a way to fix that, too, that
would be great.

Thanks in advance.


Patrick L. Hartling
Senior Software Engineer, Priority 5
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