[GCC-XML] gccxml and the latest GCC

Alex Leach beamesleach at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 11:59:18 EDT 2013

On Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:40:10 +0100, Alex Leach <beamesleach at gmail.com>  

> All the work I've done on gccxml and the plugin has been committed on  
> github. I'll make sure that's the case after sending this email, anyway..

The plugin repo is up to date now; I actually only got it working with  
pygccxml yesterday, so some of the changes in the last commit are less  
than 24 hours old. Being that new, I would expect there to be more  
problems, but all (82) tests now pass; there's one test for each C++  
standard library header in GCC 4.8's libstdc++. The tests are only based  
on GCC's return code, though. If it's 0, then fine.

Btw, a couple of things I haven't committed, but may be of use:

* gen_xsd.
   A basic shell script to generate XSD and DTD representations of the C++  
standard library, one of each for C++98 and C++11 headers. It relies on  
XML-Schema-learner[1] to generate the XSD and DTD, though, so is very  
basic in itself.

* py++
   A python script to generate Boost Python C++ code conveniently from the  
command line, using pyplusplus and pygccxml[2]. I've designed this so it  
can recurse through directories, whilst saving Boost Python sources in a  
separate directory tree. pygccxml needs a couple of patches for this to  
work though; I used some dirty hacks, but I'll try and get around to  
contributing something decent back to the pygccxml maintainer..

If either of the above sound useful, please let me know and I can send  
over a copy, or commit them to my github fork..

Kind regards,

[1]: https://github.com/kore/XML-Schema-learner
[2]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pygccxml/

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