[GCC-XML]Interoperability with gcc/mingw question

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Sat Jan 4 21:33:13 EST 2003

> Is gcc-xml compatible with mingw at all? mingw includes gcc-compatible
> Windows header files.  I have source code for Windows applications that
> I build using a "gcc -mno-cygwin -c source.cpp" toolchain under cygwin,
> which picks up the mingw headers and libs.  Ought gcc-xml to work in the
> same way (i.e. gcc-xml -mno-cygwin -c source.cpp -fxml=source.xml) or am
> I missing something?

GCC-XML on Windows is capable of simulating Visual Studio 6 and Visual
Studio 7's preprocessors, so it can't directly use the mingw headers for
that purpose.  However, it should have no trouble simulating the mingw
option on cygwin's gcc compiler (the following is untested, so let me

./gccxml --gccxml-compiler "gcc" --gccxml-cxxflags "-mno-cygwin" \
         source.cpp -fxml=source.xml


export CXX=gcc
export CXXFLAGS="-mno-cygwin"
./gccxml source.cpp -fxml=source.xml


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