[GCC-XML] VCToolkit

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Wed Dec 29 23:18:28 EST 2004

Thanks. I definitly will try your patch. The solution I was looking
for is a little bit different.
In GCCXML manuals written 
"...Advanced users can simulate other compilers by manually configuring the
GCCXML_FLAGS setting. ..."
So, I thought I need to change some flags and give path to compiler.


On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 22:14:18 +0100, Andreas Eriksson
<aeriksson at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi.  Could somebody point me to information how to install GCC_XML
> > with Microsoft VCToolkit?
> I don't know if this is what you're looking for but I have developed a
> patch to compile and use gcc_xml using the free VC toolkit and the
> free Platform SDK. The patch was developed for CableSwig 1.8 which
> includes gcc_xml but seems to work against the current version
> aswell. The patch isn't 100% refined and I have only tested it on my
> computer but it seems to work fine for me...
> The instructions below assumes that you are building gcc_xml as part
> of CableSwig because that it what I have been doing. However, it might
> work fine directoy against gcc_xml if you apply the patch from the
> gcc_xml root using "patch -p2 <vcfreepatch041229.txt"
> Go to http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/ and
> install the Windows Server 2003 SDK. Only the "Core SDK" is needed but
> unless you remove the odbc-libraries (carefull, each library seems to
> appear twice!) from the CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES value in CMake you
> also need the "MDAC SDK"
> Go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/vctoolkit2003/ and install the
> VCToolkit compiler.
> Create/set the following environment variables:
> MSVC=[VC++ install dir]
> MSSDK=[Platform SDK install dir]
> INCLUDE=%MSVC%\include;%MSSDK%\include
> LIB=%MSVC%\lib;%MSSDK%\lib
> PATH=%MSVC%\bin;%MSSDK%\bin;%MSSDK%\bin\win64;%PATH%
> Install cygwin if you don't yet have it. It is needed to apply this
> patch and by gccxml since it uses it to patch some Visual C++ include
> files.
> Copy the attached patch-file to the cableswig root. Start cygwin and
> cd to the cableswig root and do "patch -p1 <vcfreepatch041229.txt"
> The following two steps should have nothing to do with this patch but
> seems to be needed anyway...
> Rename the file SWIG/NEW to NEWS or similar. Otherwise it gets
> included by #include <new> instead of the real new file since Windows
> is not case sensitive.
> Start CMake (don't use the cygwin CMake version) enable "Show advanced
> values" and change CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE from "/MT /O2" to "/MT /Og
> /Ot /Oy /Ob2 /Gs /GF /Gy" since the /O2 optimization flag enables the
> /Oi option which results in the error "intrinsic function cannot be
> defined" when compiling the file memcmp.c. (For other build types
> change the corresponding CMake value to ensure that /Oi is
> disabled. The DEBUG and MINSIZEREL build types probably don't require
> any changes). Set "Build For" to "NMake Makefiles".
> Now, you're ready to do configure in CMake and after that do "nmake"
> from the CableSwig root to start the build process!
> I hope that this helps!
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