[GCC-XML]ID attribute

Jason Stanek jstanek at iastate.edu
Wed, 17 Mar 2004 00:36:36 -0600


I'm new to GCCXML and to XML in general.  I've been working on some DOM 
Java code to read in the XML data and then perform some lookups and the 
like.  I'm trying to use the Document.getElementById function of DOM to 
lookup various classes, methods, etc.  But unfortunately, it always returns 
null.  In the javadoc it mentions that elementID must be set for this to 
work.  It also says the existence of an id attribute does not mean I can 
look the element up with getElementById.  I'm unsure if I am supposed to 
programmatically set elementID or if this is something that should be 
specified in the XML file.  Is anyone familiar with this problem or have 
any suggestions?
