[GCC-XML]ID attribute

mdupont mdupont777 at yahoo.com
Wed, 17 Mar 2004 07:55:15 +0000

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Jason Stanek wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm new to GCCXML and to XML in general.  I've been working on some 
> DOM Java code to read in the XML data and then perform some lookups 
> and the like.  I'm trying to use the Document.getElementById function 
> of DOM to lookup various classes, methods, etc.  But unfortunately, it 
> always returns null.  In the javadoc it mentions that elementID must 
> be set for this to work.  It also says the existence of an id 
> attribute does not mean I can look the element up with getElementById. 
According to the xml spec, the xmlid must be unique in the document, and 
a alphanumberic name.
It also has to be set.

 >I'm unsure if I am supposed to programmatically set elementID or if 
this is something that should be specified in the >XML file.  Is anyone 
familiar with this problem or have any suggestions?

Please provide a snippet of the xml that you are looking to find, Is the 
id not set?


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fn:James Michael Du Pont
n:Du Pont;James Michael
org:Introspector;Software Development
email;internet:mdupont777 at yahoo.com
title:Software Developer
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tel;home:++49 69 251380
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