[GCC-XML] Mingw

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Wed Jun 29 09:04:33 EDT 2005

sumit shah wrote:
> Out of curiosity, is there a technical reason MingW can't be  
> supported?  Or is it just that there is not enough demand/resources  to 
> support it.

There is no technical reason and there is enough demand, but I've just 
not had time to do it.  MinGW in particular is a bit harder to support 
because of the way GCC-XML detects the flags needed to support GCC on 
various platforms right now.  There is a better way that will work for 
MinGW and other platforms but it will take time I don't currently have 
to do it.

 > FYI I also was unable to successfully  use the Cygwin nor
> the Borland compilers with Java wrappings.

Building on Cygwin should definately work.  Please post this to the ITK 
users list for discussion.


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